Partnership, Trust & Client Focus is What Makes Her Stand Out. Meet Sunaina Arora, a Highly Recommended Realtor in Silicon Valley!


Q: Can you share with us what made you decide to have a career in Real Estate?
I read somewhere, “Write your life plans in pencil because life has a way of changing them for you.” A career in real estate wasn’t planned. I was working in the insurance industry and I was looking for more opportunities for growth, while continuing in a customer focused role. A friend mentioned to me that she was preparing for the real estate license exams. Knowing that the Bay Area real estate market is strong, I decided to give it a try. Next thing I know, I was interviewing with different companies … now here I am, seven years later, believing I made the right decision. :)

Q: Can you share with our audience what Buyers & Sellers can expect when they work with you?
I believe in my work, there is nothing more important than the trust that I build with my clients. I completely commit myself to my clients. Regardless of how much time they need, I continue to support them in every way possible. If I feel there is something that would work well for their family, I guide them through the process so that they feel comfortable taking the next step. I never lose sight of what is important to my clients. I become their partner and advisor when it comes to the biggest investment of their lives.

Q: Do you specialize in certain types of properties?
I specialize in buying and selling residential real estate. For commercial properties, I work with some great realtors who take care of my clients. 

Q: How has technology changed the Real Estate industry over the years?
How we communicate with clients has changed. Digital marketing is so much more important now than it was when I entered the industry. Also, today’s clients have access to more information, and they are very savvy. 

Overall, there’s a big shift happening in the real estate industry. On one end, we have technology-driven companies who are trying to streamline the process of buying and selling real estate, reducing the need for agents. On the other hand, there are companies like Compass that still believe agents are the core of a real estate transaction, and they use technology as the backbone to support some incredible programs to serve our clients better. Regardless, traditional companies without technology will not survive the competition. 

Talking about technologies, AI, Big Data and Blockchain will have a significant effect on the industry.

Q: If we interviewed all your past clients … what is one common word that comes up when they describe working with you?

Q: What was your first job? And how did it shape or impact you?
I worked in the insurance industry before moving to real estate. I worked as a Claims Specialist and I would investigate water and fire damage claims. This experience helps me analyze the risk that comes with becoming a homeowner. And this in turn helps my clients make a well-informed decision before they write an offer on a home. 

Q: What's the greatest fear you've had to overcome to get where you are today?  
I am an introvert, and I wasn’t sure if I had the right skill set to succeed in this industry. In all these years of being here, I have learned that regardless of your personality type, you can create a strong business for yourself. Stay authentic and continue working on your strengths. And you will find people who will connect well with your true self.

Q: Can you tell our audience one of your most memorable moments your career?
To be honest, there are so many wonderful memories that come with helping people buy or sell their homes. I have worked with many first-time buyers, and that’s always special. But my favorite memory is of my first listing. I had worked with this client before when she bought her home. When it was time to sell, she called me again. Based on my previous experience, I was quite sure she would interview multiple agents. I went to the listing presentation, a little bit nervous, not sure if I will get it. Once I was finished presenting, my client said that she truly believed that I was the right agent for her. She knew that I would take just as good care of her as I did when she bought the home. She immediately signed the contract, trusted me at every step of the way and we had a successful close. It was an extremely rewarding experience for me. 

Q: What’s one lesson you’ve learned in your career that you can share with our audience?
Know your worth. The way you perceive yourself will affect your attitude, and it turn affect how people connect with you. So, if you want people to value you, you first have to learn to value yourself. 

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
Michelle Obama. She personifies grace and substance. An educator, a strong advocate for women’s rights, a mother, a fashion icon. She exemplifies beauty in every shape and form. 

Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today?
The women in today’s world are ready to take on bigger roles outside of home. Yet, there is an expectation that they would still be the primary caretakers for their families. Women basically have to manage two jobs at the same time, and it can be quite challenging. 

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?
Many a time, we fall into the trap of competing with others. We have to remember that success or failure of people around us does not define us. We should create an environment where we can collaborate and support each other. While focusing on our own strengths and working towards a better version of ourselves. 

Q: What do you enjoy most about living in the Bay Area?
The weather and the diversity of food, people and culture. Also, the fact that we are surrounded by beautiful landscape. 

Five Things About Suniana Arora

1. If you could talk to one famous person past or present, who would it be and why?
Michelle Obama. For the reasons mentioned above.

2. What would your perfect Saturday be like?
Spending time with my daughter. 

3. Do you have a favorite quotation?
"The possibilities are always bigger than the problems. Don't give up on yourself." – Amy Purdy

4. What app can’t you live without?
Camera App. 

5. What were you like in high school?
I loved public speaking when I was in high school. I loved being on stage, but I haven’t done it in many years now and I miss it.


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