At a Young Age, Nastassia Ponomarenko Tapped into Her Inner-Resources to Boost Her Sense of Confidence. At just 20-years old, She is a Founder/CEO of an Athletic Apparel Company, Author of a Self-Improvement Book, & You Tube Sensation with over 650,000 Subscribers!


Q: After high school, where did you feel your career path would take you?
Definitely in the business route! That’s really where I wanted to go. 

Q: Tell us about your experience as CEO and entrepreneur at just 20 years old! Did you face any challenges because of your age?
The biggest challenge I’ve faced is having a lack of like-minded friends in my life. There are not too many young female entrepreneurs out there, so it was and still is hard to build an ambitious community around me. Overall, I absolutely love it and cannot wait for the project that I am working on to launch to the public. 

Q: What advice do you have for young entrepreneurs like yourself?
The first step is the most important one, and then the second most important step is all about creating momentum. A lot of us have mental barriers due to fear, and it just takes a lot of practice and ‘letting go’ to get over them. Once you do it over and over again (creating momentum), it becomes easier because you’ve already established some discipline. 

Q: How do you define success?
Great question! Success to me is making a positive impact on society and continuously persevering to become better, while maintaining your internal peace and happiness. 

Q: What inspired you to write your own book?  Will you be following up with other titles?
I gained most of my awareness from self-improvement books, so I got to that point where I was like, “hmm, I have a great message to share that I think a lot of young adults need to hear about.” If ‘following up with other titles’ means writing more books, then yes! I would love to write more books in my future.

Q: Can you share with our audience more about creating a business for young women who want to become successful leaders and future game-changers.
One great piece of advice is to create something that you wish you had or that you wish already existed. That’s very important because not only will you solve your own void, but other people in the world probably share that void as well! On top of that, possibly something that will sustain your idea is desire. No change or consistent progression ever occurs without desire. Feeling strongly and being passionate is what will make you that successful leader and future game-changer that you want to be. 

Q: Where do you see yourself and your business five years from now?
I see my startup growing and succeeding in the social network world. I also see myself leading speaking events, spreading awareness on social media, and really pushing myself to achieve higher so that I could make a greater difference in the world. 

Q: Which woman inspires you and why? 
I’ve been recently loving Dana Chanel! She’s such a powerful, inspiring, and alpha female. Anytime I watch her content, I leave feeling inspired, strong, and confident. I love alpha women!

Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today?
Oh goodness, a lot. 

-One that I have experienced the most is that there are way more ‘prominent’ businessmen and male entrepreneurs than women. With this, it becomes more difficult to network solely with just women.

-I haven’t experienced this since I’ve never entered the corporate workplace, but I hear about men degrading their female coworkers and not treating them with respect, empathy, and kindness. 

Five Things About Nastassia Ponomarenko

1. If you could talk to one famous person past or present, who would it be and why?
Gary Vaynerchuk, hands down! He’s the most empathetic, kind, caring and inspiring person on social media (just my opinion of course!) It’s written down as one of my life goals to meet him.

2. What were you like as a student? 
I always did my own thing, especially in Junior and Senior year of high school. School didn’t fascinate me all that much because it didn’t teach me the things I really wanted to do, which was entrepreneurship. 

3. If you were a superhero, what would your special powers be?
I would love to magically snap people out of their unconscious minds so that they can become free from their negative thoughts and feelings.

4. What app can’t you live without?
Hmm, I am honestly not sure. 

5. If they made a movie of your life, who’d play you?
Gary Vaynerchuk! Hehe. 

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Nasty Fit Apparel: Instagram |
“From Dust To Discipline” Book: Order on Amazon


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