She Loves Helping Buyers & Sellers, Meet Marina Shiferman, Real Estate Agent for Compass Real Estate


Q: How long have you been in the Real Estate business?
MS: 6 years

Q: Can you share with us how your career started in Real Estate?
MS: The first thing that attracted me towards the real estate business was the flexibility of the schedule and the opportunity to be my own boss. After I got into the business my career really started after a few months of really hustling and working, I had to build my client base out of nothing, so I had my work cut out for me. I did open houses every single weekend and followed up like crazy to get my first few clients, then it just went from there because I loved the work, and I did great work for my clients.

Q: What geographic areas and types of properties do you handle?
MS: I handle it all! Anything my buyers and sellers want. I’ve done TIC, condos, single family homes, and multi-unit buildings. In terms of geographic areas, I’ve sold all over the city of San Francisco. 

Q: Why did you choose Zephyr Real Estate to work for?
MS: When I was doing my research on which brokerage to go to, Zephyr appealed to me most. Not only because they had a fresh look on their website and their offices, but also because they have and retain a lot of talented, smart agents, who are also nice people … that must account for something. You know you should work for a company when it has a lot of happy agents, it speaks wonders of the business. So, I said to myself, I want to be a part of this! Also, they started extremely small and have grown to a multi-billion-dollar real estate agency. I look up to them, so why not learn from them. 

Our CEO and Founder Bill Drypolcher was inducted today in the San Francisco real estate hall of fame for starting an independent brokerage 40 years ago and escalating it to what it is today. One of the top brokerages (independent brokerages) in San Francisco! Very impressive ...

Q: I’ve heard that buyer fatigue is setting in … do you think this is temporary or the start of a different market for Bay Area buyers and sellers?
MS: You know, I get this question all the time and I always have the same answer: I don’t understand the term “buyers’ fatigue.” My buyers are well armed before they enter the market. They are prepared for what’s out there. I teach them what they need to know from beginning to end. I walk them through any and all situations that may arise, so nothing surprises them during the buying process. Fatigue is something that happens when you keep trying and keep falling and trying again. That doesn’t happen to my clients. I would say, if you’re feeling buyers’ fatigue, call me!

Q: Any further Real Estate predictions for the next two or three years?
MS: We live in such a bubble in San Francisco. The market here is like nowhere else. My predictions are it will continue to be the most competitive market in the country. I believe if you want real estate in San Francisco, now would be the best time to go for it. 

Q: I’ve spoken with many survivors that have overcome serious health issues … every story is different and inspiring … can you share yours with our audience?
MS: Sure, I’ll share my story. I was 15 years old. I was an aspiring professional ballerina. I was studying classical ballet at a boarding school in DC. My family lived in Southern California, so it was quite a move. One day, I got really dizzy and it didn’t go away. A few days later I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Within three days of being diagnosed, I had surgery to remove the tumor. It took me a while to recover from the surgery, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I got through it with lots of support and love from my family and friends. I went on to have two amazing years of high school in my hometown of Long Beach, making lifelong friends and memories. Then I had 5 years at the University of Arizona. This journey has led me to San Francisco, where I am being a girl boss real estate agent, married to an amazing man, and have a pretty full life. Even though I wasn’t able to become the professional ballet dancer I wanted to be, the art and appreciation of it will always be a part of who I am.

Q: Which woman inspires you and why?
MS: I can’t answer with just one woman. The women who inspire me all have intelligence, speak with grace, honesty and wit. They have style and know how to carry themselves with confidence. They own their goals and exceed expectations. They put their creative ideas into motion and see them through. They surround themselves with a positive community and have a lot of people who look up to them. They smile often, love always, and laugh constantly. These are the woman that inspire me every day. 

Q: What are some of the challenges you feel women face today?
MS: Doing everything, all at once, in a day from being a business woman to be a successful mother, wife and homeowner, landowner, and anything else us girl bosses do.

Q: What advice would you give to young women who want to succeed in the workplace?
MS: Never lie, your reputation is everything. Never show your anger. Always have grace. Keep at your goals, don’t give up. At the end of the day, don’t regret anything.

Q: Can you offer advice to parents with daughters graduating from high school?
MS: No, I cannot offer any advice to parents who have kids graduating from high school as I have no kids. I will need advice myself one day!

Q: What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment thus far?
MS: When a person calls me and asks me to help them sell or buy a home, that is a huge accomplishment to me. This is what success means in real estate and what I have been working towards, people seeking out my guidance and expertise. It’s the highest honor to help people on their buying and selling journey. 

Q: What do you like the most about living in the Bay Area?
MS: It’s not the weather ha-ha. What I love about San Francisco are the views, the exciting real estate, the diversity of the people, the beautiful architecture, and the vibes.

Five Things About Marina Shiferman

1. If you could talk to one famous person past or present, who would it be and why?
I’d like to meet Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue (since 1988!). She’s built an empire. She has founded multiple charities and has her finger in everything she’s passionate about. Not to mention she has style, grace and poise. People look up to her. She has this forward-thinking vision. The content she puts into her magazine are thought provoking and profound. I would learn so much from her on how she handles it all.

2. What’s the best advice anyone’s ever given you?
The best advice anyone has given me was do the hardest things on your to do list first. Did you really not have time to research that, or were you just dreading it?

3. Can you share with us one of your passions in life?
Vacations are my biggest passion and they are also the best reward. 

4. Where is your dream vacation?
My dream vacation would be visiting the islands off the coast of Spain. 

5. What app can’t you live without?
I refuse to say that there’s something I can’t live without on my phone. But I do love Instagram and SnapChat. Check me out on Instagram @your_sf_realtor and my website at 

Marina Shiferman
Realtor - Lic # 01941065
T (415) 744.4987


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