It's The Healthy High
Speaking of Health It’s The Healthy High and Rewarding Joy We Feel By Marina Gavric, Health & Fitness Trainingwww.marinagavric.comReaching your fitness goals is not always so simple - but with determination, consistency and the power of accurate information – you surely can. Would you like a good example? Meet Madhu Ranganathan, who reached a point in her life when she told herself “enough already” … and made her health and fitness goals a reality (rather ..
Binge Eating Disorder
Speaking of Health A Sensitive Topic That Is Often Overlooked, Binge Eating Disorder By Marina Gavric, Health & Fitness Trainingwww.marinagavric.com A sensitive topic that is often overlooked, Binge Eating Disorder, is said to be one of the most under-diagnosed and under-treated eating disorders. It affects men and women alike, where generally some have gone through a traumatic life experience, in which food was the solution. After years and decades, these..
Commit to Balance, to Your Fitness Success and to Yourself
Staying committed to an exercise and health plan is not always the simplest task. Breaking bad habits is never easy. “I have tried and tried!” … Yes, I know, I hear this, everyone’s story, all the time! Regardless of what age you may be or at what point you are in your life, men and women, boys and girls … a corporate executive, a student, an employee, a stay-at-home parent … we’re all busy all the time. Please recognize that health & wellness, as well as ..
Age is But A Number
You don’t spend 20 years in the fitness industry without learning a few things about numbers. A valuable term I learned early on, and attest to, is the age old adage that “Age is nothing but a number”. Each of us has a calendar age and a biological age. We’ve all seen this … Often I will see a 30 or 40 year-old who may look and feel considerably older than his or her actual age … or a 60 or 70 year-old who may look and feel considerably younger. How and w..
Fertility Preservation: 5 Things You Should Know
By Dr. Aimee EyvazzadehPhotos by Jennifer CrandallYour fertility isn’t skin deep. It’s as simple as that. Just because you look like you’re 28 when you’re 42, doesn’t mean your ovaries are the same. Unlike men who don’t run out of sperm, it is totally normal and expected for every woman to run out of eggs by a certain age. The average age of menopause is 51 and it’s very difficult to get pregnant during the 10 years leading up to that age. Some of us are b..